Moonstone, Peridot & Amethyst Pendant - Sterling Silver


Stone of new beginnings and encourages us to accept our intuition. Calms emotions in times of stress. Balances male/female energies. Helpful for shock and trauma. Calming for hyperactive children. Encourages lucid dreaming, especially at times of full moon.
Healing – Helps digestive & reproductive systems. Alleviates degeneration of skin, hair, eyes, liver & pancreas. Excellent for PMS, pregnancy and childbirth.


Strong healing and cleansing powers. Helps to overcome addictions and blockages of all kinds. Aids sleep. Dispels all negative emotions and brings positive responses.
Healing – Cleanses blood, immune system, skin conditions, cellular disorders, fine tunes metabolism and endocrine system.


Protective stone for the aura. Neutralises toxins on all levels, purifies and releases old baggage. Activates heart and solar plexus. Helps you to detach from people & places from the past. Reduces stress & shows you how to forgive yourself & take responsibility for your life.
Healing – Tonic: regenerates tissue, strengthens metabolism. Aids heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder. Helps in childbirth by strengthening abdomen & relieving pain.